Solteras (5)

Solteras (5)

A. Hijos
B. Madres solteras
C. Filtrar, seleccionar y discriminar
D. El “convencionalismo” de la diferencia de edad en una pareja
E. Mercado
F. Game
G. Dating
H. Cheating
I. Divorcio
J. Women don’t assimilate
K. Women Start Paying For Feminism
L. Mantener una relación
M. Teach Women How to Have a Normal Relationship

A. Hijos
1. Hungary tries for baby boom with tax breaks and loan forgiveness
2. Casado pide “dejar de hablar del aborto” y “apoyar a la gente que quiere tener hijos”
3. Irene Montero: «La gente no tiene hijos porque la vida está muy difícil»
4. ¿Ser padre compensa? Plantéatelo con estas situaciones
5. Baby Boom To Baby Bust – Martin Armstrong Exposes The Crisis In Socialism
6. En España hay 2,5 millones de mujeres que no han tenido más hijos por la precariedad
7. ¿Efecto Tinder?: casi un tercio de las españolas no tienen hijos porque «no encuentran pareja»
8. Number of single women having IVF without partner QUADRUPLES in a decade as hopeful mothers struggle to find Mr Right
9. Las feministas enloquecen con la campaña del Día de la Madre de El Corte Inglés
10. Volkswagen commercial banned in UK because it shows woman caring for a baby

B. Madres solteras
1. Single mums ‘should not be acceptable’ says Tory Mayor of London candidate
2. Single Mothers Cannot Raise Men
3. TFM Show: The Ballad of Broken Boys (Part 1)
4. TFM Show: The Ballad of Broken Boys (Part 2)
5. Nice work, Mum: you’ve turned me into a lazy lardy
6. News: Single Mother With Standards Are Good (TFM 42O)
7. Not Another Single Mother – MGTOW

C. Filtrar, seleccionar y discriminar
1. Mail: Enjoy The Ride Then Move On
2. An Education for Incels, Part 1: No One Woman Can Be Your Everything
3. Woman Teaching Others How To Bag Themselves A Billionaire
4. 35 pretty girls who became fat and ugly
5. Yelp Review: Female Student vs Dance Instructor – Alexander Grace
6. Feminist Tumblerinas Like Rachel Oates Have No Credibility
7. A Girl Is Her Friends
8. «Shit tests» & How to Respond
9. Signs She Is Using You | How To Tell If She Is Playing You
10. Women Are Only Loyal For Two Reasons Mgtow/Ibmor
11. La hipergamia
12. DON’T Date Women With These RED FLAGS
13. Should I Marry Someone With a Low IQ?
14. Businessman, 57, who was ‘blinded by attraction’ and gave £180,000 to married woman, 37, he met on Tinder in belief she was a single investment banker WINS court battle to make her pay the money back
15. From busty brunette to gym bunny – model tries seven different looks to see which bags her the best date
16. News: The Chameleon Chronicles (TFM 42O)
17. Hot Crazy Matrix: Man’s Guide To Women
18. The 10 Characteristics of a High Quality Woman
19. How To Uncover The TRUTH About Her Past
20. 16 «Reasons» Men Can’t Handle Strong Independent Women |
21. Picking the wrong women on purpose
22. Reveals the BIGGEST Issue With Older Women
23. Men. Women. Relationships. Interview with Paul Elam Part 3
24. The Dojo: «I’m a Conservative Woman» Cosplay
25. Christian Women are Sweet, Feminine & Untrustworthy
26. Women Reveal The SECRET Ways They Test Men
27. Low Value Women: Do NOT Have Sex With Them!

D. El “convencionalismo” de la diferencia de edad en una pareja
1. Michelle, la mujer que «amansa» a Jair Bolsonaro
«Lo suyo fue un amor a primera vista desde el mismo instante en que Michelle de Paula Firmo Reinaldo (38 años) se cruzó en el camino del diputado Jair Bolsonaro (63) en el Congreso de Brasilia, donde ambos desempeñaban diversas funciones: por aquel entonces, él era parlamentario en su quinta legislatura y ella oficiaba como asesora. Corría el año 2007 y el político ultraderechista y líder del Partido Social Liberal -que el domingo venció en la primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales de Brasil- la animó a trabajar a su vera. Los 25 años que median entre uno y otra jamás supusieron una barrera para un flechazo, que, tras el abandono de Michelle del puesto que acababa de estrenar, se materializó con una boda civil seis meses después.»
2. Me enamoré de alguien que me doblaba la edad y esto es lo que aprendí
3. Enrique Peña Nieto se instala en Andalucía y estrena pareja
«Enrique Peña Nieto (52 años) ha dado un cambio radical a su vida en apenas dos meses. Desde el 1 de diciembre ya no es presidente de México -cargo que ocupó entre 2012-2018-, se ha instalado en una finca en Andalucía y tiene una novia 20 años más joven que él. Aunque todavía está casado con Angélica Rivera (49), recientemente fue fotografiado en Madrid en compañía de la modelo mexicana Tania Eichelmann (31), con quien parece mantener una relación amorosa.»
4. Age Difference and Envy | COACH RED PILL
5. Marta López, novia de Kiko Matamoros, incendia las redes con su desnudo

E. Mercado
1. I’ve Slept With Over 100 Men But I’m Not a Slut |
2. Advice for Incels
3. Advice for Incels
4. This Is Why Men Stay Single In 2019.
5. Women Will Make The Time (If She Wants You) | CRP
6. Rusa: Ser soltera es el peor castigo
7. Regarding Men #23 Sexodus
8. You Think She Likes Being Complimented? WRONG!
9. Women Confused By Their Own TERRIBLE Choices
10. Why «Nice Guys» Attract W#0®€$ and Damaged Women | CRP
11. Women RESPECT Men Who DON’T Respect Them! ( RED PILL )
12. The Truth About Older Women | CRP
13. 28 year old dumps fiancé of 7 years then contradicts herself TWICE
14. Not All Women Are Like That |
16. TFM’s guide to NAWALT

F. Game
1. 9 Body Language Signs She’s Attracted to You
2. Why She Doesn’t Care About Your Emotions

G. Dating
1. 5 things women need from you if you want to date her | How to Impress a Girl
2. Michelle, la mujer que «amansa» a Jair Bolsonaro
3. Advice for Incels
4. Incels are Sons of Failed Fathers
5. 3 Signs That She Likes You
6. Why Is Dating Becoming So Difficult?
7. Dating Outside Your Religion: Can It Work?
8. Rules for Dating Men |
9. Dating in the #MeToo Era |
10. The 14 Red Flags of Dating | The Art of Manliness
11. Will These Women Split The Dinner Bill?
13. The STUPID Mistake That Guarantees She’ll Reject You
14. 10 Hidden Signs a Shy Girl Likes You

H. Cheating
1. This is Why Monkey Branching is IMMORAL
2. Estas son las señales de que tu pareja te será infiel
3. If You Catch Her Lying, DO THIS
4. 17 Ways NOT To Handle a Cheater |
5. If a Woman Cheats On You | Coach Red Pill
6. Men. Women. Relationships. Interview with Paul Elam Part 2
7. I Cheated on All My Boyfriends and I Don’t Regret It |
8. Mujeres infieles y 500 idiotas
9. Modelos inseguras y el amor en el siglo XXI

J. Women don’t assimilate
1. 25 special privileges women have over men—and yet they still complain like spoiled children
2. Why All the Good Men Left |
3. I Almost Lost My Soulmate For Novel Sex, aka “Polyamory”
4. Why You Are Single |
5. MGTOW RESPONSE: Are Any Good Guys Left?
6. Black female blogger is afraid she’ll be single and alone forever
7. 30 something woman cheats on «the love of her life» then wonders where all the good Men have gone

K. Women Start Paying For Feminism
1. News: The Booty Bubble (TFM 42O)
2. The REAL Reason Women Are Depressed

L. Mantener una relación
1. How to fight feminist organizations such as “Muslims For Progressive Values”
2. How to Turn On a Woman’s Good Girl Switch in a Relationship
3. Discussion with huMAN on Long Term Relationships
4. What Should You Expect From Your Wife?
5. 5 Common Relationship Mistakes That Lead to Break
6. Women Want Love, Men Want Respect?
7. Universal Rules For Relationships |
8. How to Get Your Girlfriend or Wife to Lose Weight
9. Focusing too Much on SEX & Not Emotional Connection? Creating CHEMISTRY 101
10. Red Pill Relationships: A quick introduction
11. Don’t Be The Nice Guy – 10 POWERFUL Tricks To Be The Alpha Male
12. This Is Why It’s OK To Interrupt Your Girlfriend
13. Bossy Wife? Call Suzanne Venker!
14. Be a control freak (she will LOVE you for it)
15. Ignore a Girlfriend When She Whines, Complains or Criticizes | CRP

M. Teach Women How to Have a Normal Relationship
1. When Your Woman Says To You “We’re Not Clicking”
2. 5 reasons you can’t find a man/husband!
3. How to Compliment a Girlfriend | CRP
4. NEVER Put Up With a Girlfriend’s S#¡+ | CRP