Leftism (3)

Leftism (3) 1. Six Dangerous Leftist Concepts 2. 7 More Misleading Leftist 3. Bill in West Virginia would BAN homeschooling, treating it as child abuse 4. How The Left Learned To Love States’ Rights 5. Social Justice Warriors and Bubonic Plague: Is There a Difference? 6. On The Left’s Descent To Fascism 7. Students At […]

Leftism (2)

Leftism (2) 1. Six Dangerous Leftist Concepts 2. 7 More Misleading Leftist 3. Bill in West Virginia would BAN homeschooling, treating it as child abuse 4. How The Left Learned To Love States’ Rights 5. Social Justice Warriors and Bubonic Plague: Is There a Difference? 6. On The Left’s Descent To Fascism 7. Students At […]


Leftism 1. Why don’t we hear about Soros’ ties to over 30 major news organizations? 2. Meet The Leftist Professor Who Wrote The ‘Hit List’ Of «Fake News» Sites 3. Notice how all the liberals who now claim to be ‘frightened’ by President Trump didn’t blink an eye when Christians were being terrorized by the […]

The Berkeley Riot 2017 (4)

The Berkeley Riot 2017 (4) 15-04-2017 A beautiful fucking day 1. BAMN Are A Violent Cult 2. Berkeley BAMN Cult & Who Is Really Behind It Articles 3. College Republicans’ Lawyer Suggests Deploying National Guard If Mayor of Berkeley Cannot Maintain Order 4. Intimidation Is the New Normal on Campus 5. Those ‘Snowflakes’ Have Chilling […]

Ingenieras (2)

Ingenieras (2) Sigamos con el tema de las ingenieras con unas consideraciones y preguntas al respecto. 1. ¿Van a cambiar las leyes de la física para que las entiendan? 2. ¿Van a cambiar las ecuaciones matemáticas que tengan que solucionar para que las puedan resolver? 3. ¿En los exámenes les van a poner la soluciones […]


Ingenieras Comencemos por el final. El final a día de hoy. Comencemos por este panfleto marxista que ha aparecido con forma de artículo periodísitico. Jóvenes e ingenieras: las mujeres que inventan la tecnología que usas (y usarás) 1.El subtítulo: Enseñan a la inteligencia artificial. Han sido muy comedidos. Claro que, si llegan a decir son […]