#MeToo (4)

#MeToo (4)

1. The Woman Fighting Against #MeToo Shares Her Controversial Views | This Morning
2. #metoo Has Gone Too Far… Girls Are Lying About Men To Gain Attention (Witch Hunt)
3. Sorry Grid Girls, Your Choices Don’t Matter
4. The #MeToo Feeding Frenzy
5. Get Off the Grid Girls
6. Under the Radar (4th, Feb 2018)
7. Male managers now less likely to mentor women
8. Man accuses California #MeToo leader of sexual misconduct
9. #MeToo twist: Anti-Harassment activist accused of harassment by two men
10. La Fórmula E mantendrá las ‘grid girls’
11. Epic Levels of Leftist Hypocrisy

Otros de fechas anteriores:
1. #METOO Movement Backlash, Ben Shapiro Breaks Down Why
2. Ben Shapiro – #METOO Movement Going Wildly Wrong | The Aziz Ansari Case
3. Janice Fiamengo on the Mob Justice of #MeToo
4. Why #iDontBelieve should trend for 2018 – NJJ Episode 9
5. ◉ Feminism is why we can’t have nice things ◉
6. «Men Are NOT Mindreaders!» Ben Shapiro NAILS the Aziz Ansari Debate on FOX
7. Is #MeToo Falling Apart? | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 454

#MeToo (2)
#MeToo (3)