La pandemia en tiempos de pandemia (5)
1. Germany bans killing chick embryos – but still allows abortion of HUMAN babies
2. FDA moves toward monopoly medicine
3. The Great Big Delta Scare
4. Pfizer LIED about covid vaccine being “95% effective”
5. Revisionist historians “cancel” Dr. Robert Malone, creator of mRNA technology in latest memory hole PURGE of truth
6. Moderna rebrands mRNA as “Spikevax” to indicate it turns people into spike protein factories
7. Poll reveals most Americans don’t want government action on the Delta variant… they prefer freedom over medical tyranny
8. Mass vaccination sites all over the country are SHUTTING DOWN as demand for experimental vaccines plummets
9. Ohio lawmakers pass bill banning mandatory coronavirus vaccination in schools
10. Former Pfizer exec: Children are 50 times more likely to die from coronavirus vaccine than from the virus itself
11. When it comes to their own personal health, most doctors are saying no to experimental covid vaccines
12. Canadian doctors SLAM coordinated censorship of coronavirus vaccine information
13. San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus releases new song, threatens to turn ALL children gay and transgender
14. 10 Steps to TOTAL TYRANNY by the CDC and CCP in America
15. Los expertos dijeron que la finalización de los confinamientos sería peor para la economía que los propios confinamientos. Se equivocaron.
16. Los jóvenes americanos se resisten a la campaña de vacunación contra el covid de Biden