La pandemia en tiempos de pandemia (22)

La pandemia en tiempos de pandemia (22)



1. Sánchez alaba su gestión sin rastro de autocrítica: «Los españoles están mejor que hace un año»
2. El Gobierno pide a Ayuso que estudie los efectos adversos de la vacuna «con perspectiva de género»
3. REVOLT: Australian truck drivers protest border restrictions, mandatory vaccinations as local “authorities” treat citizens like medical prisoners
4. Por qué tantos estadounidenses rechazan el debido proceso legal en la era del covid
5. Is this SCIENCE or a CULT? CDC director Walensky says “hope” is behind booster shots, “not data”
6. New Polio-like “Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome for Children” (MIS-C) could be created by injecting Covid spike protein vaccines into children, paralyzing their arms and legs
7. OBEDIENCE RACKET: Unless Israelis agree to a third “booster” shot for covid, their “green passes” will soon expire
8. DoD dispatches HAZMAT team, closes air space following Moderna vaccine shipment transport truck crash – and these things are “safe” to inject?
9. The world will soon be divided between the DAMAGED vaccinated and the undamaged, “super powered” unvaccinated who will inherit the Earth
10. Leftists now calling to strip all medical licenses from doctors who question COVID vaccine safety
11. New York abolishes religious exemption for covid vaccine mandate
12. Sanidad planea ya la dosis de refuerzo: trasplantados y enfermos de cáncer, con la misma vacuna y no será inmediato Für Ihre Sicherheit
13. Translation: Interview Between Jacques Attali and Michel Salomon, from ‘The Future of Life’ (L’Avenir de la vie), Éditions Seghers, 1981.
14. MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
15. Illinois gov. signs bill to indoctrinate kids with pro-abortion, pro-LGBT ‘sexual education’
16. La Guardia Civil avisó de los desórdenes públicos que marcan la «nueva normalidad» de Sánchez
“Fiestas ilegales, botellones, agresiones a policías, okupaciones, violencia de género y delitos de odio.”
17. American men need to stand up and stop the covid tyranny
18. Red Cross issues warning to stop blood plasma donations from vaccinated people
19. Former Pfizer VP warns booster shot is an extermination weapon to mass murder human beings
20. PSOE, Podemos y Más Madrid rabian por la supresión de impuestos de Ayuso aunque reconocen el ahorro
21. Más Madrid pide a Ayuso que estudie los efectos adversos de la vacuna «con perspectiva de género»
22. Washington state drops ‘gotcha’ question on COVID objectors
23. Australia Could Force Citizens to Report Their Location on Demand Via Government Tracking App
24. The Orwellian Vaccine Passport Agenda Relies On The Lie Of The “Social Contract”
25. UK government to begin mass murdering children with deadly covid injections, parents kept out of the loop
26. Thomas Renz discusses how hospitals’ covid protocols are killing patients who aren’t infected – Brighteon.TV
27. Don’t bother vacationing in Hawaii: Honolulu goes full “vaccine Nazi” and will deny you entry into restaurants, museums and movie theaters
28. Military members sue Defense Department over COVID-19 vaccine mandate because they already have natural immunity
29. It’s now clear: Covid vaccines are a never-ending subscription for pharmaceutical dependence and a shortened life span
30. UNTOUCHABLE TRANNIES: LGBT exempt from Australia’s covid lockdown tyranny while cis-gendered must obey
31. Same San Francisco gay men’s chorus that promised to “convert your children” puts out new propaganda song telling people to get “vaccinated” for covid
32. La Résistance: French Create Their Own Makeshift Restaurant Again to Protest Vax Passports
33. Australian Police Violate Lockdown Rules to Host LGBT Office Party
34. “White People Are Evil and Racist” Says Somali Migrant Accused of Violently Assaulting Numerous Swedish Women
35. Oregon Police and Firefighters Sue Governor Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
36. Video Antivaxers broke into the studio of Slovenian Public Tv they usually broadcast every part reside
37. Missouri’s attorney general sues school districts for trying to force students to wear masks
38. SHOCKER: Red Cross is warning all Americans that Covid-vaccinated humans are INELIGIBLE for donating plasma… does that mean their blood and organs are also contaminated with spike proteins?
39. Vaccine passport legislation gets shut down in California as disgraced governor Newsom faces recall
40. ACLU abandons its own founding principles, claims FORCING experimental medical injections into people somehow supports “civil liberties”