El mito de la brecha salarial (7)
1. Brexit Is Hindering Women’s Progress At Work, Experts Say
2. Gender pay gap is perpetuated by teenage girls who want jobs that pay less, study finds
3. El mito de la brecha salarial
4. Survey of recruiters shows five times more men than women are ambitious. Survey sponsor says young women do not lack ambition.
5. Iceland’s Gender Communists
6. Why won’t women who dislike the culture of their workplaces do what men do – resign?
7. The Gender Pay Gap: A Briefing
8. White men who can’t get jobs say they’re being discriminated against
9. Jordan Peterson debate on the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmodernism
10. La ‘brecha de género’ de Pedroche: cobró el doble que Chicote
11. Cristina Pedroche mezcla la brecha de Cristiano Ronaldo con el feminismo
12. Into battle over the gender pay gap myth
13. Five feminist lies we take for granted
14. Rajoy tiene razón a propósito de la brecha salarial
15. Hasta Podemos reconoce que no existe brecha salarial entre hombres y mujeres
16. BBC’s report into pay inequality finds NO gender bias in the way stars’ salaries are decided but announces ‘substantial pay cuts for men and increases for women’
17. Nigel Farage says the term feminist is ‘an awkward word for men to use’ then weighs in on gender pay gap row by claiming ‘men are more prepared than women to sacrifice family life for success’
18. Nigel Farage talks about feminism
19. La brasa salarial de Montero
20. ¿Discriminación? Las mujeres tienen más ventajas fiscales que los hombres en la Ley de Autónomos
21. Bitcoin proves that the “glass ceiling” keeping women down is a myth
22. The Feminist Heist at the BBC