Educación (3)
1. Celaá dice que si no hay vacuna sólo la mitad de los alumnos volverán al colegio en septiembre
2. La gran mentira de la Ley Celáa: los colegios ordinarios atenderán la educación especial «sin incremento de gasto»
3. Yet another university shuts down Chinese Communist Party-funded Confucius Institute
4. El Gobierno aprovecha el estado de alarma para tramitar la Ley que acabará con la educación especial
5. Pablo Iglesias quiere secuestrar el concepto de democracia
6. La educación y el coronavirus: Tratando de ver el lado positivo
7. Los matemáticos se rebelan por la nueva ley educativa
8. El Gobierno elimina el mérito para acceder a una beca: valdrá con un 5 raspado
9. Betsy DeVos Drank the Feminist Kool-Aid – The Fiamengo File Episode 121
10. Chinese cheating rampant in U.S. college applications, and in classrooms
11. El cierre de escuelas es una gran amenaza para el poder de las escuelas públicas
12. Contemptuous creed of the zealots who dictate sex lessons
13. Children’s gender stereotypes should be reinforced, not abolished
14. Sex education and the war against marriage
15. Iglesias impone un «coordinador de bienestar y protección» en los colegios
16. Gracias a las paralizaciones, muchos aprenderán que la escuela pública no es tan esencial después de todo
17. Irene Montero gasta 600.000 € públicos en másteres universitarios sobre feminismo e igualdad de género
18. UCLA Prof Suspended, Under Police Protection After Refusing To Exempt Black Students From Final Exam
19. El Gobierno socialista de Navarra obliga a viajar 100 km al día a un alumno de Alsasua para estudiar en castellano
20. Iglesias edita una guía para hablar de la «muerte» con «naturalidad» a niños desfavorecidos
21. El libro que tienes que leer si te importa la educación de tus hijos
22. La educación especial retoma su batalla: protesta ante al Congreso contra la ‘ley Celaá’ que quiere desmantelarla
23. LA school board to mull budget cuts for police department following ‘defund’ protests
24. College Removes Word ‘Freedom’ From ID Cards Because It Reminds Some Students Of ‘Slavery’
25. Black students in Rice University demanding that they be given a racially segregated SAFE SPACE on campus
26. La hora del homeschooling
27. Montero publica un manual de actividades para «educar en diversidad»: sopas lésbicas y círculo de abrazos
28. Female drama teacher who groomed ‘besotted’ schoolgirl, 15, she taught from age of nine into having lesbian affair is jailed for nine months
29. Así adoctrina Teresa Rodríguez a los niños andaluces: «Peques, la Casa Real a la basura»
30. California faculty demands ‘free tuition for all black, native, and indigenous students’
31. Adoctrinamiento feminista en Sevilla: una profesora reparte en su instituto la «guía de supervivencia patriarcal»
32. Teresa Rodríguez apoya a la profesora que invita a «sacar las tetas en público o pasear un coño de plástico»
33. El Sindicato de Estudiantes, liderado por una ‘joven’ de 33 años, pide el voto para los proetarras de Bildu
34. Los talleres de Colau para menores: cómo ser un okupa, repensar la sexualidad y adoptar una nueva masculinidad
35. The Little Pink Book: Campus Advocacy
36. Iglesias y Montero estudiaron en la concertada a la que su gobierno niega ahora ayudas por el coronavirus
37. BLM Teacher Says 2+2 Only = 4 Because of “Western Imperialism”
38. L.A. teachers union says schools can’t reopen unless charter schools get shut down, police defunded
40. Students push to eliminate free speech, create Black-only council to fire ‘racist’ profs
41. Back to School? “No Thanks” Say Millions of New Homeschooling Parents
42. Claiming ‘Unique Opportunity to Lead the Nation,’ Parents Ask High School to Adopt ‘Freedom of Expression Resolution’ – Wirepoints
43. Los impuestos de Inditex, para educación
44. Universities to force students to get flu shots, sign “distancing” contracts in order to attend classes this fall
45. Now SAT testing is “racist” because being intelligent is discriminatory, but being STUPID is perfectly fine with the crybullies
46. Seven facts parents and teachers should know about the risks of reopening Chicago Public Schools – Wirepoints
47. Here’s What You Need to Know About Sending Your Child Back to School This Year
48. Profs and students ‘demand’ full ‘abolition’ of campus police, BLM flag to be flown
49. Profs and students ‘demand’ full ‘abolition’ of campus police, BLM flag to be flown
50. It’s about compliance, not science: Virginia officials demand students get vaccinations to participate in ONLINE learning from home
51. La crisis de la educación y la muerte de Occidente
52. BAN HISTORY! Illinois lawmaker wants to stop schools from teaching history because the subject is now “racist”
53. Texas school officials caught promoting Marxism and terrorism
54. UNT faculty targeted for saying music theory isn’t white supremacist
55. These professors have been ‘canceled’ for standing up to the Left
56. Economics professor barred from teaching class critical of Marxism to student body
57. Una historia contra la policía del pensamiento | Hans-Hermann Hoppe
58. Never Let School Get in The Way of Education
59. The Leaked BLM School Materials Are Insane
60. New School: Plastic bubbles, 8 year old arrests, and woke math
61. El des-Gobierno del coronavirus: Moncloa asume el retraso del curso escolar por falta de seguridad
62. El máster de la mujer de Sánchez engloba a profesores de Iglesias, políticos de IU y activistas del PSOE
63. Universities ask students to play ‘coronavirus police,’ report peers who might have COVID-19
64. The Progressive Racism Of The Ivy League
65. Iowa State professor forbids students from criticizing BLM, gay marriage, abortion
66. ORWELLIAN CAMPUS: Universities encouraging students to report peers who aren’t following COVID-19 guidelines
67. As More Children Learn From Home, The State Is Cracking Down on ‘Virtual Truancy’
68. El desaparecido ministro podemita de Universidades: sin agenda desde julio en plena vuelta a las aulas
69. La vuelta al cole en Madrid: 370 millones de euros, hasta 11.000 profesores más y bajada de ratios
70. Tenn. school English lesson teaches that Whites are racists who oppress minorities
71. IDIOCRACY: Gen Z snowflakes are intimidated by complete sentences, full stops while texting
72. Charter school drops motto ‘Work Hard. Be Nice’ for contributing to ‘systemic racism’
73. La vuelta al colegio en otros países: más previsión ante la incertidumbre del coronavirus
74. Sin garantías en la vuelta al cole: ¿de quién son los hijos señora Celaá?
75. College director: ‘Every White person in this country is racist’
76. Harvard promotes claim that ‘2+2=5’
77. Tackling gender imbalance in psychology
78. La Junta andaluza de PSOE e IU despidió a 4.500 de los profesores que hoy exigen a Juanma Moreno que contrate
79. Whistleblower Reveals Fake Degree Epidemic in the Middle East, India and Dubai
80. Virtually Insane: School Sends Police To Home After Child Shows A Clearly Fake Gun During Online Class
81. Richard Curtis: Feminism is great news for men
82. Northeastern University expels 11 freshmen over supposed “party,” but keeps all their tuition money
83. Prof: ‘Nothing wrong with’ murder of Trump supporter from a ‘moral perspective’
84. University of Michigan hosting “black only events” while isolating whites so they can repent of their racism
85. How to Protect Your Children From Indoctrination
86. Teacher tells student she doesn’t have the right to an opinion because she’s “White” and “blonde”
87. A Levels 2020: The Year of Utter Nonsense
88. Podemos quiere «lunes sin carne» en colegios y restaurantes para concienciar sobre el maltrato animal
89. The Best And Worst States For Homeschool Freedom
90. Video: Professor Lectures Students Not To Vote For ‘Dictator’ Trump
91. 10 most extreme ‘Critical Race Theory’ classes & trainings at US colleges
92. Las universidades en colapso y qué podemos hacer al respecto
93. New bill would defund schools that force girls to compete against boys
94. Boston University Prof Denounces Barrett As «White Colonizer» For Adopting Two Haitian Children
95. EARLY INDOCTRINATION: Jeff Bezos opens tuition-free preschool in Washington state to program children with his Orwellian views
96. The Disturbing Intersection Between Antifa, BLM, and Public-School Teachers
97. La educación concertada anuncia movilizaciones contra la ‘Ley Celaá’: «PSOE y Podemos quieren eliminarnos»
98. Celaá permitirá que un alumno pueda pasar de curso sin límite de suspensos a criterio de cada Comunidad
99. Professor publicly posts that he wants “the last cop strangled with the intestines of the last capitalist”
100. Los centros de educación privada alertan de que subirles el IVA al 21% puede provocar su «desaparición»
101. Lawsuit alleges that St. Lawrence University allowed Antifa member to use facilities for extortion
102. The disturbing intersection between Antifa, BLM, and public-school teachers
103. Así es la nueva ley del aborto de Irene Montero: clases de educación sexual y acceso a la anticoncepción
104. Elementary School Kids Taught That “Objectivity” and “Perfectionism” Are Racist Traits of “White Supremacy”
105. 350 law professors demanded vote on Obama’s last Supreme Court nominee. Four say the same for Trump’s.
106. Oregon State University professor blames white CHRISTIANS for West Coast wildfires
107. Por qué la subida del IVA sí puede perjudicar a los profesores
108. Cultural revolution: Woke totalitarians have taken over campus
109. Federal Court Rules Against Louisiana High School After Painting Over Student’s Trump Mural
110. French president proposes ban on homeschooling to deter “radical” values
111. California University Spends $800,000 Trying To Shut Down Satirical Student Newspaper, Fails
112. Alerta. Los niños corren peligro en la escuela – CCP 350
113. PSOE y Podemos vetan que la comunidad educativa participe en la tramitación de la ley Celaá
114. Covid: York self-isolating students told ‘wait behind in fire’
115. PSOE, Podemos y nacionalistas aprueban que los estudiantes pasen de curso sin límite de suspensos
116. The Feminist Race to Gender Superiority
117. Exodus of male teachers leaves boys without role models
118. El Gobierno estudia subir el IVA a los libros por ser bienes de consumo de clases altas
119. El profesor decapitado en Francia fue señalado por alumnos suyos a cambio de dinero
120. San Diego School District Announces it Will Eliminate Grading Standards to “Combat Racism”
121. Working-class white boys . . . a ticking time bomb
122. Student newspaper publishes instructions on how to make a Molotov cocktail