War on Cash (4)

War on Cash (4)

¿Quién va a continuar con esta lista?

  1. Transparent citizens, negative interest rates and other crazy ideas of economic experts https://gefira.org/en/2017/12/15/transparent-citizens-negative-interest-rates-and-other-crazy-ideas-of-economic-experts/
  2. Los riesgos de un país (Suecia) sin ‘cash’: privatización del dinero y moneda digital https://www.elconfidencial.com/mercados/2018-11-18/suecia-dinero-efectivo-cash-moneda-digital_1652502/
  3. How to Thrive in the coming Cashless Society https://freedom.social/How_to_Thrive_in_the_coming_Cashless_Society.pdf
  4. The Frontlines in the War on Cash https://internationalman.com/articles/the-frontlines-in-the-war-on-cash/
  5. Bank of America CEO: ‘We Want a Cashless Society’


  1. The Rush To A Cashless Society Only Serves Globalist Interests


  1. Authorities advise Swedish citizens to save banknotes in case of a cyber attack or war


  1. Mapping Out The Banking Elite’s Goal For A Cashless Monetary System, Part 1


  1. Guerra contra el efectivo por el coronavirus: en España no se teclea el PIN y en China desinfectan billetes https://www.libremercado.com/2020-03-29/guerra-dinero-efectivo-coronavirus-pin-billetes–1276654768/
  2. COVID-19 & The War On Cash: What Is Behind The Push For A Cashless Society? https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/covid_19_and_the_war_on_cash_what_is_behind_the_push_for_a_cashless_society_short
  3. War on Cash Kicking Into Overdrive https://dailyreckoning.com/war-on-cash-kicking-into-overdrive/
  4. ¿Por qué quieren eliminar el efectivo? https://youtu.be/QkTaLIqPA1o
  5. El PSOE propone en el Congreso eliminar el dinero en efectivo https://www.abc.es/economia/abci-psoe-propone-congreso-eliminar-dinero-efectivo-202006131707_noticia.html
  6. The War On Cash: A Closer Look At Its Far-Reaching Implications (Part I)


  1. The War On Cash: A Closer Look At Its Far-Reaching Implications (Part II) – Analysis https://www.eurasiareview.com/29052019-the-war-on-cash-a-closer-look-at-its-far-reaching-implications-part-ii-analysis/
  2. The War On Cash – COVID Edition Part I


  1. The War On Cash – COVID Edition Part II https://claudiograss.ch/tag/war-on-cash/
  2. Is the nationwide coin shortage being used to push us toward a cashless society? https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-07-01-coin-shortage-used-toward-a-cashless-society.html
  3. Testing Will Begin In Africa For Biometric Id, “Vaccine Records,” & “Payment Systems” https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/testing-will-begin-in-africa-for-biometric-id-vaccine-records-payment-systems_07162020
  4. Media Deems Cashless Society a ‘Conspiracy Theory’—After Admonishing Cash Use. https://humanevents.com/2020/08/22/media-deems-cashless-society-a-conspiracy-theory-after-admonishing-cash-use/
  5. Hacienda baja a sólo 1.000 euros los pagos en efectivo entre profesionales y empresas https://www.libremercado.com/2020-10-13/hacienda-limita-pagos-efectivo-1000-euros-anmistia-fiscal-6669489/
  6. A New World Monetary Order Is Coming https://www.activistpost.com/2020/10/a-new-world-monetary-order-is-coming.html
  7. Venezuela’s Maduro Plans Shift to Fully Digitalized Economy https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-02/venezuela-s-maduro-plans-shift-to-a-fully-digitalized-economy
  8. El Gobierno también prohibirá pagar más de 1.000 euros en efectivo entre particulares y profesionales https://www.libremercado.com/2021-01-18/hacienda-gobierno-tambien-prohibira-pagar-mas-1000-euros-efectivo-particulares-profesionales-fraude-6699786/
  9. El Gobierno plantea acabar con los salarios en efectivo e imponer las transferencias https://www.libremercado.com/2021-02-04/gobierno-plantea-acabar-salarios-efectivo-6705370/
  10. Realizar compras con tarjeta superiores a 30 euros requerirá una doble verificación https://www.libremercado.com/2021-02-09/tarjeta-debito-credito-compras-30-euros-verificacion-pin-6706651/
  11. El Tribunal de Justicia de la UE sentencia que es obligatorio aceptar pagos en efectivo en Europa https://www.libremercado.com/2021-02-17/tribunal-justicia-de-la-ue-sentencia-es-obligatorio-aceptar-pagos-efectivo-europa-6710522/
  12. War on Cash: The Next Phase https://dailyreckoning.com/war-on-cash-the-next-phase/
  13. The IRS wants “reliable” tools to crack crypto wallets https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-30-irs-wants-reliable-tools-crack-crypto-wallets.html
  14. The War On Cash, Is It A Real Thing? The Answer Is Yes https://www.activistpost.com/2021/09/the-war-on-cash-is-very-real-not-just-speculation.html
  15. THE AGENDA IS ESCALATING: THE NEW WORLD ORDER https://www.bitchute.com/video/TQhwMnMTjzA9/
  16. Cashless society: programmable money and financial control https://www.bitchute.com/video/Tf738m9bmEO9/
  17. “Programmable Digital Currency”: The next stage of the new normal? https://off-guardian.org/2021/10/01/programmable-digital-currency-the-next-stage-of-the-new-normal/
  18. The “War On Cash” Endgame Is Here https://www.activistpost.com/2021/10/the-war-on-cash-endgame-is-here.html
  19. Cashless society: programmable money and financial control https://www.bitchute.com/video/Tf738m9bmEO9/
  20. Texas Case Illustrates Raw Tyranny of Civil Asset Forfeiture https://starkrealities.substack.com/p/texas-case-illustrates-raw-tyranny
  21. Central Bank Digital Currencies – A Future of Surveillance and Control https://www.bullionstar.com/blogs/ronan-manly/central-bank-digital-currencies-a-future-of-surveillance-and-control/
  22. War on Cash: The Digital Dollar https://schiffgold.com/key-gold-news/war-on-cash-the-digital-dollar/
  23. http://www.revolucionantifeminista.org/?p=110&cpage=193#comment-61067

Una mierda respaldada por el Estado.

¿Un dólar digital respaldado por las vacunas?


El nuevo y esperado, por conocido, movimiento de los Bancos centrales.

¿El Great Reset va a acabar siendo conocido como el Great Failure?


  1. War on Cash: The Digital Dollar


  1. Bank of America Says a Digital U.S. Dollar Is ‘Inevitable’



Es inevitable porque era y es intencionado. Pero, ¿es un fracaso total y totalmente inevitable?


Después del fracaso del bozal digital al que llaman pasaporte verde, green pass o pase nazi, ¿va a ser este el próximo gran fracaso de los globalistas?

  1. Visa y Mastercard suspenden sus operaciones en Rusia por la invasión de Ucrania https://okdiario.com/internacional/visa-mastercard-suspenden-sus-operaciones-rusia-invasion-ucrania-8687637

No, Canada did NOT seize any crypto wallets connected with the #FreedomConvoy, here’s why https://bombthrower.com/articles/no-canada-did-not-seize-any-crypto-wallets-connected-with-the-freedomconvoy-heres-why/#


  1. The cashless life won’t be worth living


  1. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) https://www.federalreserve.gov/central-bank-digital-currency.htm

Decentralized identity using blockchain https://venturebeat.com/2022/03/05/decentralized-identity-using-blockchain/

  1. https://twitter.com/xx_1133_1221_11/status/1501473820678496258?s=21
  2. The commodity currency revolution https://www.goldmoney.com/research/goldmoney-insights/the-commodity-currency-revolution
  3. Digital Identity for all Europeans https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/european-digital-identity_en
  4. Global reset fully underway as 90% of central banks push for digital currency that governments can control https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-13-global-reset-fully-underway-central-banks-push-digital-currency.html
  5. Libertad y dinero sólido: dos caras de una moneda https://mises.org/es/wire/libertad-y-dinero-solido-dos-caras-de-una-moneda
  6. Dinero: ¿qué es? La pregunta más importante: ¿por qué lo es? https://mises.org/es/wire/dinero-que-es-la-pregunta-mas-importante-por-que-lo-es
  7. 49. Russian central bank to launch pilot program for digital ruble by 2023 https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-31-russia-central-bank-pilot-digital-ruble-2023.html
  8. War on Cash: Israel strictly regulates cash payments to curb “financial crimes” https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-02-israel-regulates-cash-payments-to-curb-financial-crimes.html
  9. “Cash Free” Central Bank Digital Currency Roll Out Coming in December?
