Podemos Pseudociencia

Podemos Pseudociencia

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1. Iglesias anuncia para 2018 una ley de Cambio Climático que «acabará» con los escépticos

2. Global Temperature Trends Based On Non-Existent Data
3. Placing So-Called Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming Into Context
4. Deep Freeze: Latest measurements show Arctic sea ice hasn’t declined in last decade
5. The Imaginary Sea Ice Crisis
6. Draconian Green-Left Policy Proposals Rejected
7. Five New Papers: Cooling, Not Warming, Leads To Weather and Climate Instability
8. Climate Alarmists Reinterpret Data to Make Sea Level Rise Worse Than It Is
9. Five Years Of Antarctic Temperature Fraud At NASA
10. If The Data Doesn’t Match The Theory – Change The Data

Los osos polares
11. Usan a un oso polar muriendo de hambre para hacer propaganda climática
12. Retraction request: FOIA emails document another harsh criticism of Amstrup’s 2007 polar bear model
13. Two New Papers: 92% Of Polar Bear Subpopulations Stable, Increasing…Inuit Observe ‘Too Many Polar Bears Now’
14. Dying Polar Bear Story Another Example Of Climate Porn
15. Canadian finds polar bears are doing fine — and gets climate-mauled
16. No, Global Warming Isn’t Killing Off The Polar Bears
17. What everybody got wrong about that viral video of a starving polar bear
18. Update to the Starving Polar Bear Story and Bioscience Paper
19. Arctic Alarmists Facing Imminent Meltdown