Leftism (9)

Leftism (9)

1. Leftists twist the truth about everything, denouncing “forced childbirth” but celebrating “mandatory immunizations” that deny women’s choice
2. New Hampshire Lawmaker Equates Homeschooling to ‘Child Abuse’ – Nanny State Measures to be Pushed on Parents
3. The Left’s inescapable HATE problem: Their hate doesn’t count but YOUR hate should get you banned from everything
4. NET NEUTRALITY is a total scam by liberty-crushing leftists: The real censorship of the internet is already being carried out by Google, Facebook and Twitter
5. The LEFT has devolved into despicable bullies after attacking the family of Keaton Jones, Koxville bully victim
6. America’s universities rapidly becoming “thought-free zones” as left-wing bubble excludes all conservatives speakers, debates and events
7. IDIOCY: Two university profs claim that “Farmer’s markets” are harbingers of WHITE racism
8. Thousands VANISH in China as totalitarian far-left police state goes into overdrive (don’t let this happen in America)
9. Did you know that left-leaning Oregon thinks its citizens are so stupid that it’s ILLEGAL to pump your own gas?
10. The deranged Left goes after LANGUAGE, demanding that universities “burn” all books containing any of these snowflake trigger words
11. The Democrat party is now officially a domestic terrorism group: DNC Deputy Chair endorses Antifa terror tactics handbook that promotes “kill zones” for conservatives and whites
12. WATCH: Police Tell Student Activists Their ‘Free Speech’ is Scaring Other Students
13. Course uses ‘Pyramid of White Supremacy’ to teach diversity
14. VICTIMHOOD lessons: Law professor tells black students to claim “blackness” is a disability… instead of “I have a dream,” it’s now “I have a disability”
15. A Post-Mortem On The Corpse Of ‘Social Justice’
16. The latest insanity of the deranged Left: Alleged child rapist says he “self-identifies” as a nine-year-old, so it’s not really rape
17. CENSORED SCIENCE: University shuts down study on people who wished they hadn’t changed their gender
18. Milo Yiannopoulos tells Alex Jones: The unhinged Left has made civil war in America inevitable
19. The Left attacks SCIENCE, demands Trump-supporting scientist be PURGED from the American Museum of Natural History
20. Socialist students protest memorial to fallen police officers