Las feministas y los coches

Las feministas y los coches

El ridículo que estuvieron haciendo las feministas, es decir, las lesbianas, durante décadas a cuenta de las mujeres, los hombres y los coches fue, nunc mejor dicho, histórico. El mismo que han hecho con las mujeres, los hombres y los deportes, incluido el futbol.

No sólo dijeron la estupidez de decir que las mujeres conducían igual que los hombres, sino que se vinieron arriba cual Irene Montero y dijeron que las mujeres conducían mejor que los hombres.

Cosas de ser unas inadaptadas sexuales.


Desmontando todos los tópicos que envuelven la conducción femenina

Women drivers really ARE more dangerous than men! New figures show middle-aged mothers are a ‘liability’ behind the wheel

Serial drink driver, 30, who was twice limit when pulled from horror crash is spared jail ‘because she’s a WOMAN’




Karolina Skog, Sweden’s Environment Minister: “Cars are driven largely by men, so by giving a lot of space to cars, we’re giving a lot of space to men – at the expense of women.”

Colau quiere que los coches grandes y contaminantes paguen más por la zona azul

Carmena prohibe circular a los vehículos antiguos en 2025

Los coches de más 20 años no podrán circular en Barcelona los días laborables en 2019

Australia: Sarah Winyard, 21, driver, causes the death of Graham Jurott, 87, motorcyclist. Female magistrate. Community service.

Rebecca Miller, 39-year-old prison officer, causes the death of Clive Mauger, 69-year old retired security guard, by dangerous driving. Her prison sentence will be suspended.

Rebecca Miller, 39-year-old prison officer, causes the death of Clive Mauger, 69-year old retired security guard, by dangerous driving. Her prison sentence will be suspended.

BBC feminazis trash “Top Gear”. Sabine Schmitz (female racing driver) drivers faster than Rory Reid (journalist). Big deal.

BBC feminazis trash “Top Gear”. Sabine Schmitz (female racing driver) drivers faster than Rory Reid (journalist). Big deal.

Una niña en mitad del tráfico: los calzadistas avivan la guerra civil de la bici en Madrid

Kate Woodhead, 39, convicted false rape accuser, thief, fraudster, in jail again for drink-drive crash death of a father of four

Kate Woodhead, 39, convicted false rape accuser, thief, fraudster, in jail again for drink-drive crash death of a father of four

Muere una joven al chocar un coche contra una ermita en Peñaranda de Duero (Burgos)

Teacher films herself drink driving before crash

Karen Eastwood, 50-year-old grandmother, avoids jail despite being caught driving her Skoda ‘all over the road’ during rush hour while FIVE times over the limit with a bottle of wine wedged by the handbrake

Karen Eastwood, 50-year-old grandmother, avoids jail despite being caught driving her Skoda ‘all over the road’ during rush hour while FIVE times over the limit with a bottle of wine wedged by the handbrake

La Marina de EE.UU. rescata a dos náufragas y sus perros tras cinco meses a la deriva en el Pacífico

Herida grave una joven de 24 años tras chocar contra una farola. La culpa es del patriarcado, que la puso ahí.

Etílica y sin carnet al ir a recoger a sus hijos a la salida del colegio

Paulina Gancarz, 34, accountant who was five times over the limit when she was found slumped at the wheel of her Mini Cooper after downing a bottle of wine in a layby to escape her overbearing mother, avoids jail

Paulina Gancarz, 34, accountant who was five times over the limit when she was found slumped at the wheel of her Mini Cooper after downing a bottle of wine in a layby to escape her overbearing mother, avoids jail

REAL SCIENCE: Men are better navigators than women, study finds

FOBBED OFF Clueless woman accidentally ‘steals’ someone else’s car at supermarket and drives it around for TWO WEEKS before realising mistake

Three three teenage girls arrested after stolen car hits man, 60

Three teenage girls arrested after stolen car hits man, 60

Denunciada una camionera en Navarra por amamantar a su bebé mientras conducía

Amanda Lotte, 57, drunk mother, drove at 60mph on icy roads ‘to teach son a lesson’. Crashed into a dry stone wall. Suspended sentence.

Amanda Lotte, 57, drunk mother, drove at 60mph on icy roads ‘to teach son a lesson’. Crashed into a dry stone wall. Suspended sentence.

TEXAS: Bartenders are criminally charged after drunk 50-year-old woman allegedly causes fatal car accident

TEXAS: Bartenders are criminally charged after drunk 50-year-old woman allegedly causes fatal car accident

‘Suicidal’ Dr Julia Morch-Siddall, 50, who ‘self-medicated with four cans of Stella to help her crippling PMS’ smashed her Land Rover into another vehicle leaving a man wheelchair-bound. Suspended sentence.

‘Suicidal’ Dr Julia Morch-Siddall, 50, who ‘self-medicated with four cans of Stella to help her crippling PMS’ smashed her Land Rover into another vehicle leaving a man wheelchair-bound. Suspended sentence.

Joyce Beresford, 87, driver, killed her husband and two friends, through dangerous driving. Man left suicidal, loses his job. “Punishment” – a fine of £1,500.

Drink-drive boss Rachel Hind (46) blames staff’s prosecco top-ups

Una pelea a tortazos entre el conductor y una pasajera provoca que un autobús se caiga de un puente en China

Hit-and-run driver weeps in court as she is spared jail after killing 77-year-old while on the phone to her boyfriend

Cambridge-educated junior doctor who was caught drunk at the wheel TWICE is allowed to KEEP her job after misconduct hearing rules she is ‘no risk to patients’

Una conductora arrastra 25 metros al agente que la multó por exceso de velocidad

The police’s response to a female driver knocking a 12-tear-old boy off his bicycle

The police’s response to a female driver knocking a 12-tear-old boy off his bicycle

Una mujer muere arrollada por su propio coche en la rampa de su garaje

Mother, 55, caught trying to drive to an off-licence while four times over the drink drive limit is spared jail after claiming a prison term ‘would have killed her’

Bike barrier problem

Rape cycling

Female judge spares Victoria Parry, 30, serial drink-driver, jail, because she’s a WOMAN – and tells her if she’d been a man ‘it would have been straight down the stairs’ to prison

Female judge spares Victoria Parry, 30, serial drink-driver, jail, because she’s a WOMAN – and tells her if she’d been a man ‘it would have been straight down the stairs’ to prison

Detenida una mujer en Gijón por arrollar intencionadamente a un ciclista tras una discusión

Fiona Onasanya becomes first MP to be ousted by recall petition

El terrible final de Sara, embarazada de gemelos, y su novio: una conductora invadió su carril

Pillan a una conductora con un maniquí en el coche para poder circular por el carril bus-VAO

German pensioner hits ten cars whilst parking. The journalist covering the story for The Times congratulates her.

Police chief Kerrin Wilson escapes driving ban after crashing while on phone to MP husband

La consejera de Podemos que renunció en La Rioja tiene antecedentes por hurto y por conducir sin seguro

Colau se salta la normativa y sube el coche a la acera para cargar las maletas de sus vacaciones

Colau dice que sus restricciones al tráfico igualarán a las mujeres: «Son más pobres y no tienen coche»

Harry Dunn crash: Donald Trump notes say US suspect ‘will not return to UK’

Harry Dunn crash: Donald Trump notes say US suspect ‘will not return to UK’

Woman triple the drink-drive limit had two young children in the car

Una madre deja a su hijo de 10 años encerrado en el coche para irse a beber a un bar en Palma

La mujer que esquivó 80.000 euros en multas al cambiar un número de la matrícula de su Mercedes

Una feminazi borracha, drogada y conduciendo sin carnet arrolla intencionadamente a un hombre

Machismo mecánico: una mujer, atropellada por su propio coche mientras ponía gasolina

Descubren que una juez de tráfico lleva 30 años conduciendo sin carné al sufrir un accidente

Detenida saltándose el confinamiento con “la casa a cuestas” a 500 km de distancia de su domicilio

Una mujer sale bailando del coche en bikini después de tener un aparatoso accidente de coche en Lepe

Una mujer atropella a dos personas, los apuñala y los remata con una piedra

VÍDEO: Una mujer borracha intenta atropellar a varias personas en Marbella

El joven atropellado durante un botellón en La Moraleja agonizó debajo del coche delante de sus amigos

Woman crashes car while yelling at Trump supporters

Colau pinta una Barcelona ideal en la que una de cada tres mujeres llevan el ‘hiyab’ islámico

Destapan a Ada Colau: carga contra el coche en una entrevista a la que acude… en coche

Woman, 50, who drove in Cirencester while disqualified avoids jail

La Policía detiene a una mujer por dejar a su hijo de 3 años solo en el coche mientras iba al casino

Rebecca Beswick, 39, handed suspended sentence after A134 crash in which two died

Detenida por destrozar y robar más de una veintena de vehículos en el parking de un hospital de Cádiz

Un repartidor salva a una mujer que había caído a un río helado con su coche

Encuentran dos kilos de cocaína en el motor de un coche de lujo

Prisión para la mujer que atropelló y mató a un repartidor en Marbella: dio positivo en alcohol

Two teenage girls carjack and kill an Uber driver, CNN called it an accident

Ada Colau, la alcaldesa que persigue a los automovilistas, se gasta un millón en un ‘renting’ para 19 coches

Police officer kicked McLaren F1 car ‘like she was taking a penalty’

Moncloa primará planes ‘feministas’ de movilidad con fondos europeos porque «las mujeres usan más el bus»

Interior adjudica un contrato para estudiar la seguridad en la carretera «con perspectiva de género»

Mother, 26, who crashed Mercedes with her four children inside then offered other driver £1,000 while ‘unsteady on her feet’ is cleared of drink-driving after claiming she ‘necked PINTS of vodka and coke to calm herself down AFTER the crash’

La presidenta socialista de La Rioja ‘cazada’ a 156 km/h camino del Congreso del PSOE

El timo del Gobierno con los peajes: solo reinvierte en carreteras el 4% de lo que recauda del coche

Emma Moughan, 42, mother-of-two, who killed cyclist in hit-and-run smash in her Mercedes while TEN times over prescribed limit of cocaine then told police she ‘thought she hit a fox’ (wearing a hi-vis jacket) is jailed for only five years

Moment female drunk driver was spotted ASLEEP at the wheel before speeding off at 100mph on terrifying rampage before abandoning her car and being arrested by police at home. Disqualified from driving for 20 months and 12-month community order. Outrageous leniency, as usual. How much suffering and lives lost is caused by the criminal INjustice system not holding women properly accountable for their crimes?

‘I thought I’d never see my two girls again’: Hero PC tells of the moment he was almost killed by a drink driver who mounted a kerb and   him against his van. Appalling sentencing leniency, as usual.

‘I would like to talk to a male!’ Sexist WOMAN car owner refuses to deal with female workers when she calls dealership to book an oil change

Christina Manning, 36, was caught driving nearly four times the limit with three children in her car after downing wine – on the day she launched her child minding business. Suspended sentence.

Canberra Australia.

Suspended sentence for woman caught drink driving twice in two days

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