La pandemia en tiempos de pandemia (2)

La pandemia en tiempos de pandemia (2)

1. La densidad de la población no resuelve el rompecabezas de la propagación de COVID-19
2. El pánico del COVID-19 nos muestra por qué la ciencia necesita escépticos
3. El fanatismo de los medios de comunicación contra la política de no confinamiento de Suecia ignora los hechos clave
4. El pánico del falso-positivo sobre la COVID-19
5. Ahogándose en deuda para sobrevivir a la economía de la COVID-19
6. El pánico del COVID es una lección en el uso de las estadísticas para abrirse camino en la política
7. Los medios de comunicación declararon a Europa «haber derrotado» al COVID. Pero ahora los confinamientos se avecinan de nuevo
8. Cuando se trata de las máscaras, no hay «ciencia establecida»
9. La crisis del Covid ha ayudado a preparar el plan para un superestado europeo
10. Pensilvania está jugando a la política con el racionamiento de medicinas
11. De los confinamientos al «gran reajuste»
12. Por qué los estadounidenses deberían adoptar el modelo de Suecia sobre la Covid-19
13. La crisis del covid ha empujado a los regímenes latinoamericanos hacia el autoritarismo
14. Cómo los confinamientos aumentarán los costos de la atención médica
15. Cómo las políticas Covid anticientíficas están dañando a las madres que dan a luz y a sus recién nacidos
16. Las pruebas siguen acumulándose: los confinamientos no funcionan
17. Cómo los confinamientos de Alemania han fomentado el resentimiento y la violencia entre la juventud de la nación
18. La vacunación obligatoria de covid-19 no es ética ni científica
19. Es demasiado tarde para pensar que los confinamientos pueden hacer que el covid-19 se vaya
20. Los gobiernos impondrán nuevos confinamientos si creen que pueden salirse con la suya
21. Del 11 de septiembre al Covid-19: Diecinueve años de «emergencia» permanente
22. El absurdo de los «casos» de covid
23. Incluso los funcionarios de la OMS admiten ahora que los confinamientos son extremos
24. Locuras pandémicas: la tiranía no nos mantendrá a salvo
25. El segundo acto será peor que el primero: los confinamientos no son la respuesta
26. La histeria del encierro sin datos | Thomas Woods

En tiempos de pandemia
1. Cómo la izquierda utiliza las «crisis de salud pública» para conseguir lo que quiere
2. El comercio sexual en tiempos de coronavirus: El testimonio desde Bolivia
3. Canadian government: It’s safe to have sex with strangers as long as you wear a mask
4. ‘Have sex online’ to limit spread of virus, advises HSE
5. La destrucción en tiempos de pandemia
6. La operación salvar al soldado izquierdismo en tiempos de pandemia
7. El veganismo en tiempos de pandemia
8. El mayor burdel de Europa se declara en quiebra por el coronavirus
9. PSOE y Podemos se niegan a reducir su macrogobierno porque responde a un «país de futuro»
10. UK Lockdown: Child Abuse ‘Hidden by Under-reporting’
11. La Policía de Madrid interviene un bar por exceso de aforo y descubre un prostíbulo encubierto
12. La Generalidad exige que se acredite el uso del catalán para dar ayudas por la pandemia
13. El alcalde socialista de un pueblo de Granada cambia una Cruz Blanca ¡por contenedores!
14. La ‘Ley Celaá’ adoctrinará a los escolares en «justicia fiscal» desde Primaria
15. Sánchez ha elevado la carga fiscal en 3.391 millones en plena pandemia
16. Polish gym rebrands itself as a “church” to skirt coronavirus restrictions
17. Aumentan los robos en plena pandemia: así desvalijan dos mujeres la estantería de cosméticos de un súper
18. Los siete efectos de la pandemia en la declaración de la Renta de 2020

1. Mandatory Masks: Women Most Affected
2. Una concejal de Podemos en Alicante se queja del aire acondicionado: «Es micromachismo»
3. Feminists desperately wish COVID-19 affected women worse than men
4. Mentally Ill Professor Invented Bisexual Native American Persona Who ‘Died’ Of COVID-19
5. Montero monta un curso en la Universidad Pública para difundir su propaganda sobre «feminismo post-covid”
6. Covid-19 and Female Leaders
7. The United Nations goes full feminazi
8. Montero cuela en la universidad pública a la socióloga que califica las ciudades de «machistas»

1. Hybrid virus developed by scientists claims to make coronavirus research “safer”
2. Study finds coronavirus patients have rashes INSIDE their mouths
3. Bolivian sex workers bet on see-through ‘biosecurity’ raincoats to reduce contagion risk
4. Así funcionan las pruebas diagnósticas que detectan la presencia de Covid-19
5. Ten Coronavirus Charts and Graphs You Need to See
6. Doctor who cured 350 coronavirus patients with 100% success rate speaks out passionately in Washington D.C.
7. One Nation Under House Arrest: How Do COVID-19 Mandates Impact Our Freedoms?
8. La OMS anticipa que la pandemia de coronavirus durará largo tiempo y sus efectos permanecerán decadas
9. Big Pharma achieves total legal immunity for coronavirus vaccines; even as vaccine injections will be FORCED onto billions of people, potentially killing tens of millions
10. Dr. Fauci warns against dining out, playing sports, going to school and church but refuses to condemn protestors’ violent mass gatherings
11. The Public Health Disaster of Sweden’s No Lockdown Policy (According to Western Media) Summed Up in Two Charts
12. El MMS: Suplemento mineral milagroso
13. State-sponsored COVID TERRORISM: Los Angeles threatens to cut off electricity and water of private homes that refuse to comply with authoritarian lockdown rules
14. The Myth That Lockdowns Stop Pandemics
15. Brazilian government blocks Doctors Without Borders from addressing suspected COVID-19 cases in 7 indigenous communities
16. Governments Are Faking It, And Copying Each Other
17. Time For Change: The Irish People Begin to Rise
18. World Health Organization uses celebrities and influencers to try to manipulate the public, but is it working?
19. COVID FACT CHECK: There have been over 223,000 EXCESS DEATHS in America this year so far, above and beyond the flu and all other causes of death COMBINED
20. El SOCIALISMO es más DESTRUCTIVO que la PANDEMIA | Agustín Laje
21. BOMBSHELL: Up to 90% of COVID-19 “positive” test results are false, test kits matching dead viral fragments that pose no infection risk
22. Texas woman suffers severe burns after hand sanitizer catches fire
23. Denmark Heads to Pre-COVID Normality: No Masks or Distancing in Schools, Just Common Sense
24. El éxito de Taiwán que evidencia el desastre español: “Nunca nos confinamos. La vida ya es normal y la economía crece”
25. Over 7,000 Scientists, Doctors Call For COVID Herd Immunity, End To Lockdowns
26. Belgian health experts accuse WHO of faking coronavirus pandemic
27. No, “coronavirus” hasn’t thrown 100 million into extreme poverty… virus LOCKDOWNS did that
28. It’s now looking like the lockdowns may have been a huge mistake
29. What the pandemic has taught us about science
30. The top 10 best ideas for how to solve the covid crisis overnight (without giving up your freedoms)
31. More than 30,000 health experts sign declaration opposing Covid-19 lockdowns
32. Nine Covid Facts: A Pandemic of Fearmongering and Ignorance
33. A contagion of hatred and hysteria: Oxford epidemiologist PROFESSOR SUNETRA GUPTA tells how she has been intimidated and shamed for backing shielding instead of lockdown
34. New documentary explains how lockdowns and contact tracing don’t stop the coronavirus and are a complete waste of energy
35. VACCINES KILL: Study finds positive correlation between COVID-19 deaths, flu vaccination rates in elderly worldwide
36. Why it is right to question the orthodox Covid-19 narrative
37. How the Democrats Weaponized a Pandemic to Beat Donald Trump
38. SCIENCE FAIL: Portuguese court rules PCR tests are unreliable, unlawful “evidence” of alleged Covid-19 infections
39. Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”
40. Pandemics Are Over When the Public Decides They’re Over

El sector de salud, gestión estatal y Covid-19
1. The Coronavirus Lockdown Did Not Work
2. Here’s What You Need to Know About Sending Your Child Back to School This Year
3. Sánchez desprecia a la sanidad privada en la lucha contra el virus y pone en riesgo más de 265.000 empleos
4. Australia’s Lockdowns Are Oppressive | COVID Dictatorships
5. Entrevista a la Dra. Roxana Bruno. Inmunóloga. Covid-19, cuare-terna y vacunas
6. ¿Necesitábamos un Estado grande para protegernos de la pandemia?

1. Something Marxist This Way Comes | Live From The Lair
2. Health Ranger launches FREE nine-hour downloadable audio book with PDF transcript: The Global Reset Survival Guide
3. Health Ranger update: A government-engineered FOOD COLLAPSE means citizens must practice “extreme preparedness” or be starved into vaccine compliance
4. The 7 Pillars Of Urban Preparedness
5. 6 Unusual items that will help you survive after SHTF
6. Survival medicine: 10 Medicinal plants used by the Cherokees
7. New PrepWithMike video: How to make your own emergency FIRE STARTERS for survival, preparedness and off-grid cooking
8. Worst-case scenario: How to help your family survive when SHTF
9. SHTF bartering dos and don’ts
10. Home gardening basics: 12 Tips for newbie farmers
11. Don’t let fear stop you: How to prep without succumbing to your worries
12. Skills, strategies and supplies you’ll need to prep for an EMP, solar flares
13. Prepper essentials: SHTF emergency communication plans for your family
14. Intermediate prepping: How to deal with non-prepper neighbors when SHTF
15. Emergency preparedness 101: How to encourage a hesitant partner to start prepping
16. 11 Things you need to add to your get-home bag
17. 5 Methods to secure your stockpile from looters when SHTF

1. Those who call the coronavirus a “hoax” are making a huge mistake: These twelve questions reveal the TRUTH that no one dare utter
2. Covid-19: Phase 1 of the “Permanent Crisis”?
3. Rueda de prensa médicos por la verdad
4. El disparatado homenaje a las víctimas del Covid en Navacerrada por bailarines estrafalarios
5. The Biggest Fraud Ever, Part 1: The Hocus «Science» Behind Lockdowns
6. The Biggest Fraud Ever, Part 2: The Vaccine Swindle’
7. Martial Law Is Unacceptable Regardless Of The Circumstances
8. UK Academics Advocate Silencing Dissent on Climate Change and Covid-19
9. COVID-19 Censorship Has Killed People
10. The 7 most likely communism “conditioning” events you should expect next from the insane Democrats and the corrupt CDC
11. Lockdown Restrictions Are A Test To See How Much Tyranny Americans Will Accept
12. Deep Dive: Analysing The Covid-19 Data
13. Miles de negacionistas del coronavirus protestan sin mascarilla en Madrid contra las medidas anti-Covid
14. Cientos de personas sin mascarilla se concentran en Colón para defender que la pandemia es una «farsa»
15. Echenique dice que la «ultraderecha» es «anticiencia» tras afirmar que el coronavirus «es una gripe menor»
16. El Gobierno sancionará «con la máxima dureza» a los participantes en la manifestación negacionista de Madrid
17. Chinda Brandolino: pandemia, vacunas y biometría en la nueva anormalidad
18. Universities ask students to play ‘coronavirus police,’ report peers who might have COVID-19
19. Addressing the Covid Narrative in Ireland with Dr Marcus De Brun
20. Plandemic II: Indoctornation (FULL MOVIE)
21. Plandemic II: inDOCTORnation film released – here are the most damning outtakes that expose the criminal fraud of Fauci, the WHO and the CDC
22. The Mask Slips
23. Democrats and their media allies push coronavirus “cases” while ignoring viral load, a far more accurate measure
24. La dictadura de la Farmafia
25. CHILD QUARANTINE CAMPS: CDC opens up FEMA camps to hold children who might have been exposed to COVID-19
26. Author of Dystopian Classics Predicted Face Masks to Enforce Conf 70 Years Ago
27. 12 Steps to Create Your Own Pandemic
28. De la preocupación a la prudente alarma #UNCRISTIANONOTIENEMIEDO
29. SHOCK: Melbourne to start arresting COVID-19 “conspiracy theorists” and throwing them in concentration camps
30. “We Do Not Consent” — Thousands Rally In London To Oppose Another COVID-19 Lockdown
31. Based on latest CDC data, the Wuhan coronavirus poses virtually no death risk whatsoever for people under the age of 50
32. Un informe científico alerta de que el contagio combinado de COVID y gripe puede ser 6 veces más letal
33. Research Shows Deliberate Chinese Propaganda Campaign Forced World Into Lockdown
34. Indian biological weapons expert says covid-19 is “bioterrorism”
35. TYRANNY: British riot police storm anti-lockdown protest to detain conspiracy theorist David Icke
36. BOMBSHELL: Former Pfizer executive says covid-19 “pandemic is over,” so-called “second wave” based on fraudulent testing
37. The Microchip Is HERE: DARPA Biochip to “Save” Us from COVID Can Control Human DNA
38. RIGGED: Covid-19 testing kits were distributed years before pandemic was declared
39. Lockdown: The New Totalitarianism
40. The Pandemic that Killed Debate
41. COVID & The Escalation Of Medical Tyranny
42. Left wing conspiracy theories go mainstream, all others banned – going down the rabbit hole
43. After covid, your entire life will be controlled by smartphone apps funded by Rockefeller, Clinton Foundation
44. 135 Doctors in Chile Ask Health Minister for Moratorium on 5G
45. American Organizations Oppose Nationalized 5G Program Being “Owned” by DoD Because It Violates Free Market Principles
46. “Dilbert” on Writing a 5G Article — “Maybe I Should Study It First”
47. American Academy of Environmental Medicine Endorses Wired Internet Connections to Avoid Radiation Exposure (2013)
48. Covid-19: 38.000 científicos y médicos rechazan los confinamientos y restricciones generalizadas
49. BOMBSHELL: Covid-19 isn’t a pandemic plan, it’s an EXTERMINATION plan for humanity
50. Health Expert: Mask Wearing Will Remain Mandatory Even After a COVID Vaccine
51. El delito de tortura no prescribe.
52. Infancia y Verdad
53. La conspiración y el camino al cambio de vida
54. SCIENCE FAIL: Portuguese court rules PCR tests are unreliable, unlawful “evidence” of alleged Covid-19 infections

La pandemia en tiempos de pandemia