El mito de la brecha salarial (9)

El mito de la brecha salarial (9)

1. La otra ‘brecha’: las mujeres viven cinco años y medio más que los hombres
2. Socialism Always Ends in Disaster
3. 10 April 2018: Mike Buchanan in discussion, «Will UK gender pay reporting laws change anything?»
4. It’s time to debunk the gender pay gap… again
5. Why is the economy stagnant? It’s feminism, stupid!
6. ‘It’s discrimination against men’: Male army recruits forced to serve DOUBLE the minimum time as women after becoming a combat soldier
7. Feminists don’t care about the gender gap in ballet. Why should we care about the one in tech?
8. The Irrational World of Kate Smurthwaite
9. News: The Business of B.S. (TFM 42O)
10. Las jubilaciones de las mujeres son un 36% más bajas que las de los hombres
11. The Times: “Men favoured in NHS pay, minister Caroline Dinenage admits”
12. Women suffer more work burnout than men do because employers ‘don’t give them enough authority,’ study says
13. Los mitos detrás del “Día de la igualdad salarial”
14. Dr Max Pemberton: The gender gap that’s unfair on MEN…
15. Equalities Not For Everyone
16. Number of female FTSE350 chief executives (13) unchanged since 2008. Nothing to see here folks, move along…
17. MPs urge banks to end ‘alpha male culture’ to close gender pay gap
18. Should the Bank of England break the mould and appoint a woman as governor?
19. Labour’s Sex Discrimination isn’t Working
20. Springwatch’s Michaela Strachan doesn’t care if co-host Chris Packham is paid more than her
21. Chinese Government Pushes Harmful Gender Roles Onto ‘Leftover’ Women
22. Women and the 34 Hour Work Week
23. This Week in Stupid (01/07/2018)
24. 5 Reasons Women Deserve To Be Paid Less Than Men
25. Javier Milei discute con la conductora por la brecha salarial de género, TN- 15/07/18
26. Chick-fil-A se burla del mito izquierdista del estancamiento salarial
27. ¿Existe la ‘tasa rosa’? Sí, pero los hombres también tienen la ‘tasa azul’
28. Debunking the Pink Tax | Redonkulas.com
29. Let’s quit while we’re behind, and not subject more women to faulty gender pay gap stats
30. Female CEO Doesn’t Want Women Working For Her
31. Belgium shop fined for discriminating against male job-seeker
32. Why Men Earn More Than Women
33. Visualizing The Other Gender-Gap That No One Is Talking About
35. Jenny McDonagh, 39, corrupt finance manager, stole from NHS and Grenfell survivors
36. British companies need a ‘genuine culture change’ to get rid of alpha males and promote women, say ministers
37. Anneke Necro: «Las actrices porno ganan 600 euros por escena, los hombres, 400: eso también es machismo»
38. Employers must reveal ethnic pay gap of staff
39. Glasgow: Women demand equal pay for work of unequal difficulty, effort, working conditions…
40. El salario de las mujeres crece cuatro veces más que el de los hombres desde 2012
41. Male nurse who worked for five years as a doctor – five years prison sentence, fine of £350,000 (his full earnings over those five years). Woman who worked as a psychiatrist for 22 years, also sentenced to five years imprisonment, fine £0.00.
42. Women gain higher earnings from degrees
43. No, Ms Mordaunt, higher MALE wages benefit family women most
44. Podemos quiere otro PER para las mujeres andaluzas un 50% mejor pagado que el de los hombres
45. Harvard demuestra que la brecha salarial es fruto de las preferencias de hombres y mujeres
46. Harvard Study shows gender wage gap explained by work choices
47. Debunking the New Wage Gap Myth | Redonkulas.com
48. Women kept out of high-paid finance jobs because they’re squeamish about money, says Minister Liz Truss
49. How can women bosses expect funding if they don’t apply for it?
50. Women Don’t Want To Work For A Woman